Friday, February 1, 2008

The Confirmation of Katherine Mary "Anne"

Katie brining the Gifts to the alter.
Katie with her first grade teacher Mrs. Grayson.
Katie's handprint is somewhere on there.
Katie and her sponsor Aunt Amy
Katie and her Grandma Ringy
The whole family and Jesus.
Katie and the other sister at Brio for dinner.
Katie and her BFF Madison.

Katie's favorite sister!!!

1 comment:

Pegl822 said...

I just love all these pictures from Kate's confirmation. I especially love the picture "the whole family and Jesus".

You all look sooooooo grown up. Even your mother and father look mother and a father.

Would love to see you put some pix of flower girl dresses you'd like to wear to the wedding! Of course, we'll have to find a way to attach the whistles, kazoos, combs, xylophones, drums and foghorns.

Love you lots!
Aunt Peg