Monday, February 25, 2008

Snowy the Dirty Snowman

My friend Calista and I made a snowman this week. The best snow was under the pine tree. The rest of the snow was like ice. We made the snowman out of the snow from under the tree, which had lots of dirty stuff in it. I named him Snowy. My sister Katie named him Poop Rory Junior. My dad named him Dirty Harry. I call the little snowman Frosty. What do you think his name should be? Click "Comments". Type your comment. Click "Name/URL". Write your name.
Ringy said...
I love your snow peeps! I have a suggestion for their names. How about "Piney" and "Pinecone, Jr."
Are they still "alive" or have they melted??
Kisses / Hugs / LOTS OF LOVE
Grandmom Ringy
Aunt Peggy said...
I love these snow-people. Are they related?
The big one reminds me of vanilla ice-cream and chocolate chunks, so, I suggest Chunkilla. The littly one might be Chunklette.

Friday, February 1, 2008

The Confirmation of Katherine Mary "Anne"

Katie brining the Gifts to the alter.
Katie with her first grade teacher Mrs. Grayson.
Katie's handprint is somewhere on there.
Katie and her sponsor Aunt Amy
Katie and her Grandma Ringy
The whole family and Jesus.
Katie and the other sister at Brio for dinner.
Katie and her BFF Madison.

Katie's favorite sister!!!