Sunday, January 13, 2008

My House

This is my house. It is in Ohio. I love my house so so much. This is the only house I have ever lived in. If I ever move it will be sad but i'll have this to remember it. Well it won't matter because it will always be special!!!

Each week there will be a theme for my picture. I might use a picture I already have, or I might spend the week trying to find a new picture for my theme. I picked "Amber" as my theme for this week. I might take a picture of an amber stone, or I might take a picture of something that is amber colored, or I might take a picture of someone named Amber. Please tell me what you think me theme should be for next week. It could be anything. Please comment.


ringy said...

I love the picture of your house. It must have been a very nice day when you took it.

Maybe after "amber" your theme could be kate's confirmation. You might put in a picture of the church and your family.

Keep up the good work; you are so creative!

Pegl822 said...

Hi Sweetie!
I love your idea about AMBER. When I was on vacation, I went to a place that manufactures AMBER jewelry. It was sooo interesting! And...what a coincidence, yesterday, I met a girl at work whose name was AMBER and she was guessed it...AMBER jewelry!
I guess it's like the ROSE snow globe for Carlie ROSE!

I love all of your creative ideas, you are a smartie, and I can't wait to see what you think up next!

Love you lots!
Aunt Peggy