Friday, January 25, 2008


I took this picture on my way to school this week. We have had some very cold days here in the past few days. Next from my sisters confirmation. bye...Carlie PS, please comment!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008


I think these amber glasses are pretty. I think they are Italian. The drink is also amber.
It's been really cold here so this weeks theme is

Sunday, January 13, 2008

My House

This is my house. It is in Ohio. I love my house so so much. This is the only house I have ever lived in. If I ever move it will be sad but i'll have this to remember it. Well it won't matter because it will always be special!!!

Each week there will be a theme for my picture. I might use a picture I already have, or I might spend the week trying to find a new picture for my theme. I picked "Amber" as my theme for this week. I might take a picture of an amber stone, or I might take a picture of something that is amber colored, or I might take a picture of someone named Amber. Please tell me what you think me theme should be for next week. It could be anything. Please comment.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

First Post Coming Soon

January 11th!
Update: The first Foto Friday turned out to be Foto Sunday. Sorry for the lateness.