Monday, March 24, 2008

Birthday Party Baking

This is my birthday table with all the goodie bags.
My mom picked us up from school to drive us to the kitchen at the college. This is me, Calista, and Madelynn,
Here we are in the kitchen getting the ingredients together. That's Olivia on the right.
This is Calista again.
And here's Hannah (P.S. I spelled her name backwards)
Here we have our hair nets on and we're ready to bake. That's Alexandria on the left.
We're making chocolate chip cookies.
I'm checking the batter. It needs two more scoops of chips.
Calista thinks that's too many chips.
Here's our batter (secret recipe)
Cookies in the we wait. Time to pose for a picture.
Time to get wacky.
Real wacky.
Out of the!
Then we went to dinner at Milano's.
It's a cupcake cake!
Time to open presents. The End